net metering

Net metering  is an electricity billing mechanism that allows consumers (privates and professionals) to generate some or all of their own electricity and use it any time instead of when it is generated, installing renewal sources of energy

Κατασκευή Φωτοβολταϊκής Στέγης στην Καρδίτσα (Καππαδοκικό)

How it works

The generated electricity, after being registered by a special energy meter, is completely distributed in the network. Consumers who have renewable energy units will be able to counterbalance the energy produced with the energy consumed.

Κατασκευή Φωτοβολταϊκής Στέγης στην Καρδίτσα

To whom it may be addressed

It is addressed to both privates and professional consumers who have installed or are about to install, renewable energy systems.

Φωτοβολταϊκή Στέγη στην Καρδίτσα


The mechanism of Net metering allows the consumer to save money since the energy consumed is the energy generated by the renewal sources of energy. As a result, the consumer can increase the energy consumption in order to meet other needs, such as heating and cooling.

Φωτοβολταϊκή Στέγη στην Θεσσαλονίκη