Virtual Net Billing – Zero Feed-in

Virtual Net Billing – Zero Feed-in

Virtual Net-Billing

Virtual Net-Billing concerns self-consumers whose consumption facilities are not located in the same area as the PV station. In the case of Virtual Net-Billing, the injected energy is offset simultaneously with the corresponding energy consumed in the facilities. Both legal and natural persons, have the right to install self-production or self-consumption systems.


Virtual Net Billing can be implemented either by a business independently, or through its participation in an Energy Community, unlike Virtual Net Metering which is not allowed for businesses. The production stations can be installed in any Region, regardless of the location of the consumption facilities and the headquarters of the Community, moreover the consumption facilities are not required to be all in the same region but at least 50%+1 of the members must have proximity to the region where the Community carries out its activities.


Zero Feed-In

Zero Feed-in self producers are not allowed to inject energy into the Network, only to consume all of it on site. The power of these stations, which may include a storage system, can amount to 100% of the agreed power of the consumption supply, and are intended for consumers who wish to install a PV system but are located in areas with a highly saturated network.


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