Net Billing

According to the new legislation , the energy surplus, in the Net Billing scheme, can be stored for future use or sold in the market

Main points of the Net Billing scheme

When the photovoltaic energy is insufficient to cover the demand, the remaining power is drawn from the grid. When the produced energy is in excess, it is fed into the grid and sold based on the contractual price signed by the self-producer.

The cost of the energy drawn from the grid is offset against the amount corresponding to the energy sold (offset in €). The sale of surplus energy is allowed through power purchase agreements with electricity suppliers.


Current selling prices are set as follows:

For installed capacity up to 1 MWp, the selling price is €65.74/MWh until August 2024.

Photovoltaic systems larger than 1 MWp, participate in tender procedures or enter into bilateral agreements (PPA).

In addition, for plants larger than 1 MWp, if the generated energy fed into the grid is less than 1,500 MWh per year, participation in a tender is not required, but the selling price remains at €65.74/MWh.

Both legal and natural persons have the right to install self-production or self-consumption systems. The power of these systems is not subject to any limitation, while there is the option to manage the self-consumer’s photovoltaic system by third parties under the instructions of the self-consumer.

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